If you don’t know, I am a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia. In recent elections the Democrats have steadily gained ground. on the first Tuesday of November, 2019 the Democrats finally gained control. Governor Blackface Northam was indignant in his celebration. He proclaimed a new era for Virginia. Voters had spoken. No longer will legislators dictate what women can do with their bodies, he said. We will pass common sense gun control he proclaimed.
It’s true that in elections, like in life, there are winners and losers. This time the Democrats won, but was it the Republicans that lost? I think that the Republican Party is as much a part of the game as the Democrats. I think the balance of power hasn’t really shifted that far. It’s known that the Democrats lean to the left, and the Republicans to the right. But their backs are together. They aren’t that far apart. All of them, politicians that they are, are only truly interested in one thing. Retention of power. If you are in, you are set, out and you are forgotten.
Winners and losers. So who won? The ideologically progressive, radical left, liberals, are claiming a win. Its true, they will get Gun control into law, they will get their universal background checks and magazine capacity limits and bans on certain firearms. But what is it that they won? Crime will continue to be committed. People will still be killed by mad men and women with guns and without them. But a new problem will arise. The crimes that are currently stopped due to the resistance of the victim will diminish. You won’t know it, you don’t know it now.
Crimes that are avoided or prevented remain unknown. There are stories of criminals thwarted by an armed citizen but those stories aren’t sensational, they don’t make the papers. The winners in the last election will reduce the number of citizens capable of defending themselves. The majority of gun owners in Virginia are law abiding people, and they will comply with the law. They will leave their firearms at home, or worse, turn them in to the authorities that can’t protect them. The other winners are the criminals who know this as well. They will target people who were previously untouchable. They will win because the only protection will be the police that do a great job, but are almost always the last to arrive at the crime scene.
There will be other losers. Unborn children are more at risk with this legislature than ever before. The mistaken idea that a young woman can’t be successful in life with a child will be perpetuated. The false idea that a child could affect a woman’s ability to get an education will be parroted until it sounds right. Young women will think there is no other choice. That is not a pro choice stance at all. 90 percent of abortions are performed on women of color. The Democrats have long been associated with racism, and Planned Parenthood was founded with racism as their unspoken purpose. They say a woman has the right to choose what happens to their body, but the unborn child is not their body. In fact science proves through DNA that though they are attached, they are in fact two sepperate people.
Winners and losers. The winners claim victory but over who? The losers are many: law abiding citizens, unborn children, disillusioned young women, first responders and officers of the law, just about anyone that lives in Virginia. And hopefully the Democrats when 2021 finally gets here. Be vigilant people, this is a serious situation. Unfortunately it is one of our own complacent making. Do not let this happen again, be vocal, be active in protest, and vote!
The last but best reality is you can count on Jesus, he died for you. But humans will disappoint you. Know where to put your trust!